Who is Twelfth Imam ?
The time of Twelfth Imam's absence
1084 Year and 8 Month and 2 Day

twelve imam . twelfth imam . امام زمان عج . الامام الثانی عشر . الإمام الثاني عشر

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر . h2

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر . h3

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر . h4

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر . h5
twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر . h6
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.

250 years old man or person
250 years old man or person
Author : Ali Khamenei

It is a collection of his lectures on the political combats and struggles of Shia Imams

Mafatih al-jinan
Mafatih al-jinan
Author : Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi
Mafātīḥ al-jinān (Arabic: مفاتیح الجنان), (keys to the heavens) by Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi is the most popular book of supplication in the Shi'a world. It contains du'as, supplications, Ziyara texts, practices specific to certain days, months, and occasions, religious practices and manners, as well as some anecdotes narrated from the Prophet (s), Imams (a), and Islamic scholars. Before Mafatih al-jinan, other du'a books were used by the Shi'ites. The compiler of Mafatih al-jinan has included content from other books including Iqbal al-a'mal by al-Sayyid b. Tawus, Misbah by al-Kaf'ami, and Zad al-ma'ad by al-'Allama al-Majlisi.
as-sahifa al-kamilah al-sajjadiyya
as-sahifa al-kamilah al-sajjadiyya
Author : Imam al-Sajjad's

Al-Ṣaḥīfa al-Sajjādīyya (Arabic:الصَّحيفَة السَّجَّادية) is a book containing Imam al-Sajjad's 54 supplications and du'as. After the Qur'an and Nahj al-balagha, this book has an important position among the Shi'a school of thought and is known as "Zabur Al Muhammad" (the Psalms of the Family of Muhammad (s)) and "Injil Ahl al-Bayt (a)" (the Gospel of the Household of the Prophet (s)).

Many commentaries have been written on it; in al-Dhari'aAqa Buzurg Tihrani mentioned around 50 commentaries, among the most famous of which is Riyad al-salikinAl-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya has been translated into many languages including English, French, Turkish, Urdu, Spanish, Bosnian, Albanian, Tamil, etc. In addition to the status of this book among Shi'a, some Sunni scholars have also praised the eloquence of this book.

Although this book is in the form of supplications, it also contains many Islamic teachings mentioned alongside the supplications. In this book, topics surrounding different issues are explained in the form of supplications such as theology, ideology, anthropology, the Unseen Worldangels, the nubuwwa, the position of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Ahl al-Bayt (a)Imamate, moral virtues and vices, honoring Eids, social and economic issues, historical points, different blessings of God, manners of supplication, recitation, dhikrprayerworship, etc. The most famous supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya is Makarim al-Akhlaq.

Nahj al-balagha
Nahj al-balagha
Author : Imam 'Ali (a)

Nahj al-balāgha (Arabic: نهج البلاغة) (the Peak of Eloquence) is a collection of sayings and writings of Imam 'Ali (a) which have been compiled by al-Sayyid al-Radi in late 4th/10th century (finished in 400/1009-1010). The criterion for selecting the sayings has been the eloquence of speech. The eloquence in this compilation is at such a high level that even though al-Sayyid al-Radi was a great poet and distinguished man of literature and had great works, regarded this compilation an honor for himself.

Nahj al-balagha has been organized into three parts: sermons, letters and short sayings. Throughout the sermons, Imam (a) calls people to obey God's orders and abandon prohibitions and in his letters advises his agents to observe the rights of people. Kalimat al-qisar (short sayings) of Nahj al-balagha are a collection of wise sayings stated at the Peak of Eloquence.

This book has been translated into different languages and many Shi'a and Sunni scholars have written commentaries on it

Holy Quran
Holy Quran

The Holy Quran 

twelve imam . twelfth imam . امام زمان عج . الامام الثانی عشر . الإمام الثاني عشر

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر

twelfth imam, twelve imam , الامام صاحب الزمان ، امام مهدی ، امام دوازدهم . منجی ، ظهور ، savior ،Appearance . مسیح ، Christ . آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse . اسلام ، شیعه ، islam, shia . جنگهای آخرالزمان ، Apocalypse Wars . الإمام الثاني عشر یا صاحب الزمان عج ادرکنی . یا قائم آل محمد عج ادرکنی